San Juan ⎮ San Juan Puerto Rico Weather
Weather Forecast, Storm Alerts, Radar, Water Temperatures, Tide Predictions, Sunrise & Sunset Seasonal Averages
Surprise your Loved One with a Romantic Sunset Sail
It’s always summer in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Below we provide current weather conditions, weather forecasts, local weather alerts, live precipitation radar, and NOAA links (tropical storm alerts, water temperatures, and tide predictions) for San Juan, Puerto Rico. In addition, we provide the average sunrise and sunset times by season for Puerto Rico. The best time of the day in San Juan is in the early morning. It is almost always sunny with very few clouds, if any, and a bright blue sky. The mornings are always cooler (a great time to walk around) and the water is calmer.
Typically, as the day progresses, it gets warmer, but a nice breeze picks up to help cool you off, and the ocean picks up more waves. Sometimes, the skies become more cloudy with an occasional late afternoon shower or storm. Nevertheless, the weather is a different kind of perfect every day!
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Weather Forecast
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Average Monthly Water Temperatures (°F)
San Juan, Puerto RicoJanuary – 77 | July – 81 |
February – 78 | August – 83 |
March – 78 | September – 83 |
April – 79 | October – 82 |
May – 81 | November – 81 |
June – 82 | December – 80 |
(source: NOAA)
Tide Chart
San Juan, Puerto Rico
NOAA - Tide Predictions
Average Sunrise & Sunset Times by Season in Puerto Rico
Atlantic Standard Time – AST
- Winter Months – 7 am Sunrise and 6:15 pm Sunset
- Spring Months – 6 am Sunrise and 6:45 pm Sunset
- Summer Months – 5:45 am Sunrise and 7 pm Sunset
- Fall Months – 6:30 am Sunrise and 6 pm Sunset
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San Juan ⎮ San Juan Puerto Rico Weather